Contacts and Links
Here you can find information on how to get in touch with us most efficiently as well as other related organizations.
Have a burning question?
Why not get in touch?
Do you think you might be a super-recognisers?
Are you interested in our research?
Do you want to participate in our future test opportunities?
Why not email us at super-recognisers@gre.ac.uk? We have a number of staff members monitoring the email regularly and we will try to get back to you ASAP!
Professional Links and Related Organisations

Super-Recognisers International
Super Recognisers International was formed with the aim to use the natural ability of our SR's which has been identified via the University of Greenwich and our own internal testing to offer a full service around CCTV based investigations. That is why our officers are fully vetted and have further training and exams which includes behavioral and gait analysis, facial mapping and investigative exams.
Yoti is a London-based technology company on a mission to become the world’s trusted identity platform. Founded in 2014 by Robin Tombs, Duncan Francis and Noel Hayden, we’re a team of over 200 people with headquarters in central London, an office in India and a growing presence in the USA.