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Updated: Feb 1, 2023

Professor Josh P Davis


Face and Voice Recognition Lab

School of Human Sciences

Institute of Lifecourse Development

University of Greenwich

London SE10 9LS

Blog updated: 01.02.2023

Christmas and New Year Voice Challenge

Ryan Jenkins (University of Greenwich):

Supervisor: Professor Josh P Davis (University of Greenwich)

Thank you to members of our volunteer pool who contribute to our research.

We wish you a great ho-ho-holiday period!

Over the past month, we have been sending out research invites for PhD student, Ryan Jenkins, final study, which includes taking part in several voice identification tests, including the Greenwich Voice Recognition Test 104, a new test developed during Ryan’s PhD.

Those who have already completed this test are already entered into a random draw to win a £50 Amazon voucher.

We are very excited to announce that we will be running a New Year and Christmas Voice Recognition Challenge for all of our volunteer participants. This challenge will end on 31st January 2023. By completing this challenge, you will be entered into another prize draw to win extra prizes.

Please note, the test links will remain open after the 31st January 2023 after the Christmas and New Year Challenge has finished. Late starters on the Greenwich Voice Recognition Test will still be entered into the separate random draw associated with this test.

The Christmas and New Year Voice Challenge Prizes

2 x £50 Amazon vouchers

10 x £10 Amazon vouchers

1 x £100 Amazon voucher*

*See “What are my chances of winning a New Year and Christmas challenge prize?” section for more details on this prize.

The Christmas and New Year Voice Challenge

To be entered into the random draw to win one of the prizes, participants are required to complete the following seven tests (you do not need to take them in this order). You may have taken some of these tests before.

Those marked with a star are updated versions of the originals, and we would like you to please take the new versions.

Those not marked with a star have not changed. You will not be asked to take these again.

1. Greenwich Voice Recognition Test: 104-trials (GreVRT104): Version 2 *

2. Jena Voice Learning and Memory Test (JVLMT) (Humble et al., 2022)

3. Bangor Voice Matching Test (BVMT) (Mühl et al., 2018)

4. Glasgow Voice Memory Test (GVMT) (Aglieri et al. 2017)

5. Long-Term Voice Memory Test (LTVMT): Version 2 *

Not required for participants outside the UK.

6. Famous Voice Recognition Test (FVRT): Version 2 *

7. Famous Face Recognition Test (FFRT): Version 2 *

We are asking you to take one face recognition test, as the aim is to compare familiar face and familiar voice recognition skills. All the other tests contain voices that will be unfamiliar to you.

The Christmas and New Year Voice Challenge for non-UK participants

Participants who live outside the UK or who are not English speakers (as a first language) will be excused from taking the familiar identity tests. The famous personalities included in the tests are people seen in the mainstream media (i.e., singers, politicians, actors etc.) and are primarily from the UK / US. These people may have sometimes had their voices overdubbed by a different person in films and on TV.

The prizes will be fairly distributed between the five- and seven-test version of this challenge, depending on the number of UK and non-UK participants who complete their respective challenges. To make the chances of winning a prize fairer, proportionally more prizes will be allocated to the version of the challenge that has the most participants after the 31st January 2023.

If you are a member of our volunteer participant research pool and you have not received a research invite for the voice test project, please contact

What are my chances of winning a New Year and Christmas challenge prize?

This will always depend on how many participants decide to take up the challenge. To add a bit of festive competition, we will be updating this blog each week to show the number of tests completed by all participants. You will be able to see how many participants have completed the same number of tests as you and you will have an indication of your chances of winning a prize.

Seven-test challenge (UK participants)

If you are completing the seven-test version of this challenge and if you are within the first 100 participants to complete all SEVEN of these tests, you will be given FOUR entries into the prize draw.

If you are within the first 101 - 250 participants to complete all SEVEN of these tests, you will be given TWO entries into the prize draw.

If you are within the first 251 - 500 participants to complete all SEVEN of these tests, you will be given ONE entry into the prize draw.

Five-test challenge (Non-UK participants)

If you have let us know that you are taking part in the five-test version of this challenge and if you are within the first 100 participants to complete all FIVE of the required tests, you will be given FOUR entries into the prize draw.

If you are within the first 101 - 250 participants to complete all FIVE of the required tests, you will be given TWO entries into the prize draw.

If you are within the first 251 - 500 participants to complete all FIVE of the required tests, you will be given ONE entry into the prize draw.


As an extra prize, the Face and Voice Recognition Lab has sponsored a £100 Amazon voucher to be placed into a prize draw.

To be entered into the random draw for this prize, participants must be in the top 50 achieve the highest scores across all seven-tests (seven-test challenge) or must be in the top 50 of combined scores on the five tests (five-test challenge) by the 31 January 2023. The 100 participants will be placed into this separate random draw.

To calculate the highest scores, we will simply add up the individual scores on each test.

Date: 01.02.2023: Final Update

Thank you to all the participants who took part and completed the University of Greenwich, Face and Voice Recognition Lab: "Christmas and New Year Voice Test Challenge".

We very much hope you enjoyed the challenge.

The challenge is now over.

However, the tests are still available to complete for those who are not part of the challenge, or who have not yet completed all tests, and wish to finish any of the remaining tests.

For those who did complete the challenge in time, the results will be checked, and the winners of the Amazon vouchers Prize Draws will be contacted via e-mail shortly.

The final update of those completing the tests is below:

As of the 1st February 2023, a total of 158 participants have completed all 7 tests.

Table 1: Total number of tests taken and the number of participants who have taken them.

Very Important note before comparing your scores to others

The following histograms should help with understanding how good your scores are on each test compared to the rest of the volunteer pool. However, members of the volunteer pool are, as a group, significantly and meaningfully far better at face recognition than would be expected from a sample drawn at random from the population. As there is a significant positive correlation between voice recognition test scores and face recognition test scores (Jenkins et al., 2021), we believe the volunteer pool are likely to be, in general, superior at voice recognition too.

In other words, please do not be discouraged by your scores if they appear lower than you would expect. You may be far better at these tasks than it might appear from the figures below.

The individual test scores are presented first. The combined total scores of those who have taken four, five, six and seven tests so far are listed below them.

Figure 1: Scores on the Greenwich Voice Recognition Test: 104-trials (n = 2313)

Figure 2: Scores on the Jena Voice Learning and Memory Test. The Learning Phase and Test Phase scores have been combined (n = 634).

Figure 3: Scores on the Bangor Voice Matching Test (n = 2636)

Figure 4: Scores on the Glasgow Voice Memory Test. The Voice and Bells sections have been combined (n = 2495)

Figure 5: Scores on the Long-Term Voice Memory Test (n = 298)

Figure 6: Scores on the Famous Voice Recognition Test. The proportion of correct identification of famous and unfamiliar identities are combined (n = 567)

Figure 7: Scores on the Famous Face Recognition Test. The proportion of correct identification of famous and unfamiliar identities are combined (n = 600)

Figure 8: Combined scores (out of 400) of participants completing four of the seven tests. These are the Greenwich Voice Recognition Test: 104-trials (Version 2), Jena Voice Learning and Memory Test, Bangor Voice Matching Test, and the combined scores for the Glasgow Voice Memory Test.

The Long-Term Voice Memory Test, the Famous Voice Recognition Test, and the Famous Face Recognition Test are excluded (n = 359). As noted, you may have taken these tests in a different order.

Figure 9: Combined scores (out of 500) of participants completing five of the seven tests (n = 239). These are the Greenwich Voice Recognition Test: 104-trials (Version 2), Jena Voice Learning and Memory Test, Bangor Voice Matching Test, the combined scores for the Glasgow Voice Memory Test and the Long-Term Voice Memory Test.

The Famous Voice Recognition Test and the Famous Face Recognition Test are excluded.

Figure 10: Combined scores (out of 600) of participants completing six of the seven tests (n = 200).

The Famous Face Recognition Test is excluded.

Figure 11: Combined scores (out of 700) of participants completing all seven tests (n = 158).

Date: 26.01.2023

The following section shows the progress of the challenge as of the 26th January 2023.

As of the 26th January 2023, a total of 108 participants have completed all 7 tests.

Table 2: Total number of tests taken and the number of participants who have taken them.

Figure 12: Scores on the Greenwich Voice Recognition Test: 104-trials (n = 2198)

Figure 13: Scores on the Jena Voice Learning and Memory Test. The Learning Phase and Test Phase scores have been combined (n = 537).

Figure 14: Scores on the Bangor Voice Matching Test (n = 2575)

Figure 15: Scores on the Glasgow Voice Memory Test. The Voice and Bells sections have been combined (n = 2442)

Figure 16: Scores on the Long-Term Voice Memory Test (n = 232)

Figure 17: Scores on the Famous Voice Recognition Test. The proportion of correct identification of famous and unfamiliar identities are combined (n = 503)

Figure 18: Scores on the Famous Face Recognition Test. The proportion of correct identification of famous and unfamiliar identities are combined (n = 517)

Figure 19: Combined scores (out of 400) of participants completing four of the seven tests. These are the Greenwich Voice Recognition Test: 104-trials (Version 2), Jena Voice Learning and Memory Test, Bangor Voice Matching Test, and the combined scores for the Glasgow Voice Memory Test.

The Long-Term Voice Memory Test, the Famous Voice Recognition Test, and the Famous Face Recognition Test are excluded (n = 260). As noted, you may have taken these tests in a different order.

Figure 20: Combined scores (out of 500) of participants completing five of the seven tests (n = 161). These are the Greenwich Voice Recognition Test: 104-trials (Version 2), Jena Voice Learning and Memory Test, Bangor Voice Matching Test, the combined scores for the Glasgow Voice Memory Test and the Long-Term Voice Memory Test.

The Famous Voice Recognition Test and the Famous Face Recognition Test are excluded.

Figure 21: Combined scores (out of 600) of participants completing six of the seven tests (n = 134).

The Famous Face Recognition Test is excluded.

Figure 22: Combined scores (out of 700) of participants completing all seven tests (n = 108).

Date: 19.01.2023

The following section shows the progress of the challenge as of the 19th January 2023.

As of the 19th January 2023, a total of 83 participants have completed all 7 tests.

Table 3: Total number of tests taken and the number of participants who have taken them.

Figure 23: Scores on the Greenwich Voice Recognition Test: 104-trials (n = 1976)

Figure 24: Scores on the Jena Voice Learning and Memory Test. The Learning Phase and Test Phase scores have been combined (n = 441).

Figure 25: Scores on the Bangor Voice Matching Test (n = 2492)

Figure 26: Scores on the Glasgow Voice Memory Test. The Voice and Bells sections have been combined (n = 2387)

Figure 27: Scores on the Long-Term Voice Memory Test (n = 184)

Figure 28: Scores on the Famous Voice Recognition Test. The proportion of correct identification of famous and unfamiliar identities are combined (n = 417)

Figure 29: Scores on the Famous Face Recognition Test. The proportion of correct identification of famous and unfamiliar identities are combined (n = 385)

Figure 30: Combined scores (out of 400) of participants completing four of the seven tests. These are the Greenwich Voice Recognition Test: 104-trials (Version 2), Jena Voice Learning and Memory Test, Bangor Voice Matching Test, and the combined scores for the Glasgow Voice Memory Test.

The Long-Term Voice Memory Test, the Famous Voice Recognition Test, and the Famous Face Recognition Test are excluded (n = 209). As noted, you may have taken these tests in a different order.

Figure 31: Combined scores (out of 500) of participants completing five of the seven tests (n = 126). These are the Greenwich Voice Recognition Test: 104-trials (Version 2), Jena Voice Learning and Memory Test, Bangor Voice Matching Test, the combined scores for the Glasgow Voice Memory Test and the Long-Term Voice Memory Test.

The Famous Voice Recognition Test and the Famous Face Recognition Test are excluded.

Figure 32: Combined scores (out of 600) of participants completing six of the seven tests (n = 103).

The Famous Face Recognition Test is excluded.

Figure 33: Combined scores (out of 700) of participants completing all seven tests (n = 83).

Date: 12.01.2023

The following section shows the progress of the challenge as of the 12th January 2023.

As of the 12th January 2023, a total of 66 participants have completed all 7 tests.

Table 4: Total number of tests taken and the number of participants who have taken them.

Figure 34: Scores on the Greenwich Voice Recognition Test: 104-trials (n = 1802)

Figure 35: Scores on the Jena Voice Learning and Memory Test. The Learning Phase and Test Phase scores have been combined (n = 382).

Figure 36: Scores on the Bangor Voice Matching Test (n = 2457)

Figure 37: Scores on the Glasgow Voice Memory Test. The Voice and Bells sections have been combined (n = 2358)

Figure 38: Scores on the Long-Term Voice Memory Test (n = 147)

Figure 39: Scores on the Famous Voice Recognition Test. The proportion of correct identification of famous and unfamiliar identities are combined (n = 367)

Figure 40: Scores on the Famous Face Recognition Test. The proportion of correct identification of famous and unfamiliar identities are combined (n = 313)

Figure 41: Combined scores (out of 400) of participants completing four of the seven tests. These are the Greenwich Voice Recognition Test: 104-trials (Version 2), Jena Voice Learning and Memory Test, Bangor Voice Matching Test, and the combined scores for the Glasgow Voice Memory Test.

The Long-Term Voice Memory Test, the Famous Voice Recognition Test, and the Famous Face Recognition Test are excluded (n = 177). As noted, you may have taken these tests in a different order.

Figure 42: Combined scores (out of 500) of participants completing five of the seven tests (n = 98). These are the Greenwich Voice Recognition Test: 104-trials (Version 2), Jena Voice Learning and Memory Test, Bangor Voice Matching Test, the combined scores for the Glasgow Voice Memory Test and the Long-Term Voice Memory Test.

The Famous Voice Recognition Test and the Famous Face Recognition Test are excluded.

Figure 43: Combined scores (out of 600) of participants completing six of the seven tests (n = 80).

The Famous Face Recognition Test is excluded.

Figure 44: Combined scores (out of 700) of participants completing all seven tests (n = 66).

Date: 05.01.2023

The following section shows the progress of the challenge as of the 5th January 2022.

As of the 5th January 2023, a total of 41 participants have completed all 7 tests.

Table 5: Total number of tests taken and the number of participants who have taken them.

Figure 45: Scores on the Greenwich Voice Recognition Test: 104-trials (n = 1752)

Figure 46: Scores on the Jena Voice Learning and Memory Test. The Learning Phase and Test Phase scores have been combined (n = 348).

Figure 47: Scores on the Bangor Voice Matching Test (n = 2434)

Figure 48: Scores on the Glasgow Voice Memory Test. The Voice and Bells sections have been combined (n = 2339)

Figure 49: Scores on the Long-Term Voice Memory Test (n = 95)

Figure 50: Scores on the Famous Voice Recognition Test. The proportion of correct identification of famous and unfamiliar identities are combined (n = 344)

Figure 51: Scores on the Famous Face Recognition Test. The proportion of correct identification of famous and unfamiliar identities are combined (n = 279)

Figure 52: Combined scores (out of 400) of participants completing four of the seven tests. These are the Greenwich Voice Recognition Test: 104-trials (Version 2), Jena Voice Learning and Memory Test, Bangor Voice Matching Test, and the combined scores for the Glasgow Voice Memory Test.

The Long-Term Voice Memory Test, the Famous Voice Recognition Test, and the Famous Face Recognition Test are excluded (n = 157). As noted, you may have taken these tests in a different order.

Figure 53: Combined scores (out of 500) of participants completing five of the seven tests (n = 59). These are the Greenwich Voice Recognition Test: 104-trials (Version 2), Jena Voice Learning and Memory Test, Bangor Voice Matching Test, the combined scores for the Glasgow Voice Memory Test and the Long-Term Voice Memory Test.

The Famous Voice Recognition Test and the Famous Face Recognition Test are excluded.

Figure 54: Combined scores (out of 600) of participants completing six of the seven tests (n = 49).

The Famous Face Recognition Test is excluded.

Figure 55: Combined scores (out of 700) of participants completing all seven tests (n = 41).

Date: 29.12.2022

The following section shows the progress of the challenge as of the 29th December 2022.

As of the 29th December 2022, a total of 35 participants have completed all 7 tests.

Table 6: Total number of tests taken and the number of participants who have taken them.

Figure 56: Scores on the Greenwich Voice Recognition Test: 104-trials (n = 1664)

Figure 57: Scores on the Jena Voice Learning and Memory Test. The Learning Phase and Test Phase scores have been combined (n = 278).

Figure 58: Scores on the Bangor Voice Matching Test (n = 2393)

Figure 59: Scores on the Glasgow Voice Memory Test. The Voice and Bells sections have been combined (n = 2313)

Figure 60: Scores on the Long-Term Voice Memory Test (n = 89)

Figure 61: Scores on the Famous Voice Recognition Test. The proportion of correct identification of famous and unfamiliar identities are combined (n = 280)

Figure 62: Scores on the Famous Face Recognition Test. The proportion of correct identification of famous and unfamiliar identities are combined (n = 216)

Figure 63: Combined scores (out of 400) of participants completing four of the seven tests. These are the Greenwich Voice Recognition Test: 104-trials (Version 2), Jena Voice Learning and Memory Test, Bangor Voice Matching Test, and the combined scores for the Glasgow Voice Memory Test.

The Long-Term Voice Memory Test, the Famous Voice Recognition Test, and the Famous Face Recognition Test are excluded (n = 119). As noted, you may have taken these tests in a different order.

Figure 64: Combined scores (out of 500) of participants completing five of the seven tests (n = 53). These are the Greenwich Voice Recognition Test: 104-trials (Version 2), Jena Voice Learning and Memory Test, Bangor Voice Matching Test, the combined scores for the Glasgow Voice Memory Test and the Long-Term Voice Memory Test.

The Famous Voice Recognition Test and the Famous Face Recognition Test are excluded.

Figure 65: Combined scores (out of 600) of participants completing six of the seven tests (n = 45).

The Famous Face Recognition Test is excluded.

Figure 66: Combined scores (out of 700) of participants completing all seven tests (n = 35).

Date: 20.12.2022

The following section shows the progress of the challenge as of the 20th December 2022.

As of the 20th December 2022, a total of 17 participants have completed all 7 tests.

Table 7: Total number of tests taken and the number of participants who have taken them (as of the 20.12.2022).

Figure 67: Scores on the Greenwich Voice Recognition Test: 104-trials (n = 1590)

Figure 68: Scores on the Jena Voice Learning and Memory Test. The Learning Phase and Test Phase scores have been combined (n = 153).

Figure 69: Scores on the Bangor Voice Matching Test (n = 2339)

Figure 70: Scores on the Glasgow Voice Memory Test. The Voice and Bells sections have been combined (n = 2279)

Figure 71: Scores on the Long-Term Voice Memory Test (n = 61)

Figure 72: Scores on the Famous Voice Recognition Test. The proportion of correct identification of famous and unfamiliar identities are combined (n = 207)

Figure 73: Scores on the Famous Face Recognition Test. The proportion of correct identification of famous and unfamiliar identities are combined (n = 135)

Figure 74: Combined scores (out of 400) of participants completing four of the seven tests. These are the Greenwich Voice Recognition Test: 104-trials (Version 2), Jena Voice Learning and Memory Test, Bangor Voice Matching Test, and the combined scores for the Glasgow Voice Memory Test.

The Long-Term Voice Memory Test, the Famous Voice Recognition Test, and the Famous Face Recognition Test are excluded (n = 57). As noted, you may have taken these tests in a different order.

Figure 75: Combined scores (out of 500) of participants completing five of the seven tests (n = 32). These are the Greenwich Voice Recognition Test: 104-trials (Version 2), Jena Voice Learning and Memory Test, Bangor Voice Matching Test, the combined scores for the Glasgow Voice Memory Test and the Long-Term Voice Memory Test.

The Famous Voice Recognition Test and the Famous Face Recognition Test are excluded.

Figure 76: Combined scores (out of 600) of participants completing six of the seven tests (n = 19).

The Famous Face Recognition Test is excluded.

Figure 77: Combined scores (out of 700) of participants completing all seven tests (n = 17).

Interested in the requirements of the voice tests?

If you would like more information about the voice tests, we have a blog that describes the voice tests above (click here for voice tests).

Interested in your performances on the face tests?

We also have a parallel face test blog, where you can see how your face test scores compare to others on our volunteer participant research database (click here for face tests)


Aglieri, V., Watson, R., Pernet, C., Latinus, M., Garrido, L., & Belin, P. (2017). The Glasgow Voice Memory Test: Assessing the ability to memorize and recognize unfamiliar voices. Behavior Research Methods, 49(1), 97–110.

Humble, D., Schweinberger, S. R., Mayer, A., Jesgarzewsky, T. L., Dobel, C., & Zäske, R. (2022). The Jena Voice Learning and Memory Test (JVLMT): A standardized tool for assessing the ability to learn and recognize voices. Behavior Research Methods.

Jenkins, R. E., Tsermentseli, S., Monks, C. P., Robertson, D. J., Stevenage, S. V., Symons, A. E., Davis, J. P. (2021). Are super-face-recognisers also super-voice-recognisers? Evidence from cross-modal identification tasks. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 35(3), 590-605.

Mühl, C., Sheil, O., Jarutytė, L., & Bestelmeyer, P. E. G. (2018). The Bangor Voice Matching Test: A standardized test for the assessment of voice perception ability. Behavior Research Methods, 50, 2184–2192.

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