School of Human Sciences
Face and Voice Recognition Lab
Institute of Lifecourse Development
University of Greenwich
Twitter: @GRecognisers
12 February 2022
“In Your Face” - Excellent Canadian TV Documentary
This 45-minutes TV documentary, released on CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation TV) and broadcast on Friday 21 January (9PM), is an episode in the series, “The Nature of Things”.
It provides a fascinating educational introduction to some of the different topics associated with human and computer processing of faces. I do not think I have seen such a comprehension coverage of this topic before. It would be the perfect video to include in a first-year psychology lecture.
It starts with a section on prosopagnosia featuring Ashok Jansari (Goldsmiths, University of London).
(Members of the University of Greenwich’s Face and Voice Recognition Lab, volunteer participant pool may have contributed to Ashok’s PhD student’s recent project on,
Super-recognisers section (11.30 min)
A section on super-recognisers starts at about 11.30 minutes, partly filmed at the University of Greenwich in London in August 2021, as well as Josh Davis, it features:
Kelly Desborough, a super-recogniser who works with Super-Recognisers International, and who is featured in previous blogs on this website, including a podcast interview with the APA (American Psychological Association) and an interview with Wired;
Kenny Long, an ex-Metropolitan Police Service New Scotland Yard Super-Recognisers Unit detective (Live TV studio feature here from 2019 with Josh Davis on BBC World Service News).
Josh Freed, the writer and director ( has won a series of awards, and the documentary features a number of different Canadian and worldwide experts in this field.
The documentary makers created webpages for the show too, with additional information.
Josh Davis (12 February 2022)