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Professor Josh P Davis


Face and Voice Recognition Lab

School of Human Sciences

Institute of Lifecourse Development

University of Greenwich

London SE10 9LS

The Relationship between Voice and Face Recognition ability in families

Aiming to start w/c 23 January 2023

Professor Josh P Davis (School of Human Sciences)

Ana Muke (MSc Psychology: Conversion)


Ryan Jenkins (PhD Psychology)

Dr Charlotte Forrest

Ioana Petrescu

This project will be starting towards the end of January 2023. It is a continuation of unpublished projects from 2021 and 2016.

Project 1: Face and Voice Recognition: For this project, we will be asking adult participants to invite their biological children (12-17 years) and/or parents (any age) and if not already taken, for everyone to take a voice (Greenwich Voice Recognition Test), and face recognition test (Cambridge Face Memory Test: Extended) and answer a few additional questions about their skills. In total it should take each test approximately 20 minutes to complete.

Project 2: Face Recognition and Sociability: For this project, we will be asking adult participants to invite their biological children (6 years and above) and/or parents (any age) and, if not already taken, for everyone to take a face recognition test (Cambridge Face Memory Test: Extended) and for parents only to answer a few additional personality and sociability questions as this seems to be an important factor to drive face recognition ability.

The anonymous code of each family who completes at least one of these projects (at least you and one other family member) will be entered in a random draw for a £50 Amazon voucher (we can convert to $50 US dollars, or 50 Euro draw if outside the UK).

With both projects we will ask for consent to access parent’s previous scorers on the Cambridge Face Memory Test, the Glasgow Face Matching Test, and the Kent Face Matching Test.

Therefore, it will only be open to members of the University of Greenwich Face and Voice Recognition Lab Volunteer Research Pool.

How to join the University of Greenwich Face and Voice Recognition Lab Volunteer Research Pool (currently about 49,000 members)

Open to adults only, the easiest way to join is to take the Could you be a Super-Recogniser Test ( on this website. Then you need to take the follow up Three Tests of Face Recognition (the Cambridge Face Memory Test, the Glasgow Face Matching Test, and the Short-Term Face Memory Test 3060), at the end of which you can sign up to contribute to our research.

If you do the above, you will have nearly finished the family research projects anyway. We will not ask you to take the tests a second time. All you will then need to do is persuade your family to contribute.

Please click on this link to leave your details ( or e-mail for more information nearer the start of the project.

Best wishes and Happy New Year




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