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Updated: Jul 6, 2020

US Department of Defense journal article on super-recognisers

With David Robertson (University of Strathclyde) I am very pleased to have an article published in the US Homeland Defense and Security Information Analysis Center (HDIAC) journal.

HDIAC website =

Davis, J. P., & Robertson, D. (2020). Capitalizing on the super-recognition advantage: A powerful, but underutilized, tool for policing and national security agencies. Journal of the Homeland Defense & Security Information Analysis Center, 7(1), 20-25.

HDIAC is one of three Department of Defense Information Analysis Centers. HDIAC is responsible for acquiring, analyzing, and disseminating relevant scientific and technical information – in each of its eight technical focus areas – in support of the DoD and U.S. government Research & Development activities. Those areas are: -

· Homeland Defense and Security (HD)

· Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)

· Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)

· Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Defense (CBRN)

· Biometrics (BIO)

· Medical (MED)

· Cultural Studies (CS)

· Alternative Energy (AE)

Clearly, the successful deployment of super-recognisers could directly impact three of those areas, -Homeland Defense and Security (HD), Biometrics (BIO), and Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP).

The current issue of the journal with our article on super-recognisers can be found here

We have also recorded a podcast for HDIAC. It should be broadcast in the next month or so, and we hope this will generate exciting opportunities for our team in the USA in future.

Dr Josh P Davis


Reader in Applied Psychology

University of Greenwich


Twitter: @GRecognisers



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