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Here you can find different research projects that we are working on in which you can take part.

Current Research



Two brand new fun 5-minute tests for everyone aged 5-years to 95-years will be available here soon. Click on the link below to leave your e-mail address. You will then be one of the first in the world to receive an invite to take these two tests.


1. COULD YOU BE A WORLDWIDE SUPER-RECOGNISER? The 14-trials in this fun test depict faces of people who represent some of the cultures found in different parts of the world (we are sorry if your culture is not available in this first version of this test – we expect to create additional versions).


It is possible that exceptionally high scores may only be achieved by the most cosmopolitan well-travelled super-recognisers.


2. COULD YOU BE A LONDON SUPER-RECOGNISER? The 14-trials in this fun test depict faces of people who represent some of Greater London’s diverse communities (the location of the University of Greenwich).


If, as expected, substantial experience of extensive worldwide travel makes the first test slightly easier, can we predict that those who regularly travel on the London Underground (the ‘tube’) or London buses the most, possess a similar type of advantage on the second test.


Currently, we cannot predict exactly what to expect, but you are very welcome to try out these tests as a fun challenge as soon as they are uploaded and ready to go.       

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COULD YOU BE A SUPER-RECOGNISER? (original version of test)

This 5-minute, 14-trial fun short-term test of face memory will probe your ability to recognise a series of photographed faces, shown for a few seconds only. Since 2015, this test has been taken by nearly 8 million people, aged 5-years to 95-years, from more than 170 countries. Very high scores may indicate exceptional abilities.

At the end, everyone may request a URL link to take three additional research tests (30-minutes) that are more sensitive, reliable, and valid (children require consent from parents/guardians). The URL link will work immediately or it can be saved for activation for up to about a month.

Scores on the three tests are provided on completion, along with information about other opportunities associated with our scientific research and consultancy work. We are always delighted whenever someone volunteers to contribute to our future online research programme (don’t worry, it is just as easy to withdraw, if you change your mind).

All our face recognition tests are available in 10 languages!

DALL·E 2024-05-27 14.40.45 - A visually engaging image showing two pairs of faces side by



Are you interested in understanding and enhancing your facial recognition skills? The Greenwich Age Progression Face Matching Test (GAPT) offers a unique opportunity to participate in a challenging test.

In this test, you will be presented with pairs of images and asked to determine if they depict the same person or different people. What makes this test particularly challenging is that the photos may have been taken years or even decades apart, adding a complex layer to your decision-making process.

Although this test is similar to some of our other face recognition tests, it features a different scoring system involving a confidence scale. 

Your involvement in this test not only sharpens your cognitive skills but also contributes valuable data to our research on facial recognition over time. We encourage you to focus carefully on the faces and make thoughtful decisions.

Click the button below to start the test.

Image by Raj Rana


We please request donations of facial images from supporters of our research, as some super-recognisers can only reliably take an unfamiliar face recognition test once. On second attempts, faces are no longer unfamiliar, and a test may become very easy. Nevertheless, scores may increase from taking a test twice or more, but face recognition ability will not shift. Therefore, we need to develop new reliable tests for future use.

Everyone (18-years+) is welcome to donate facial images using our very friendly-to-use photo upload system, as long as those images depict the donor. Ideally, we would like you to upload between 8 and 12 photos taken of you when on your own (we will exclude anyone else shown in these photos), each from a different year of your life. Many donors select photos from their social media accounts, as these are dated.


Donors may request a £5 Amazon voucher after uploading at least 8 self-images meeting criteria.


Click the button below to upload your photos by following our easy set of instructions.

Family Portrait at the Park

Family member donations 

We sometimes receive donations of photos from two or more different members of the same biological family. We are always very happy when this happens because we can almost always use these images in some of our tests. Indeed, we hope one day to create a special face matching test (likely to be harder than most) which on each trial will either depict two members of the same family, or two images of the same person.  


Family donations of this type are quite rare. Unfortunately, however, occasionally, the images donated, have been so similar in appearance (not identical twins) that we have sometimes mistakenly believed that the same person has donated two batches of photos.  


Therefore, you will be asked a question asking if anyone from your family has already donated photos. If you are aware that this has happened, it would be very helpful if you could please find out what personal code they entered, or as best as possible, let us know approximately when they donated images, so we can instigate a search. 


Please do not worry if you do not have this information or you cannot gain access to it. Please upload images anyway. If you recover their personal code later, please email it to Please make sure to include your own personal code in the email as well, so we can mark the two of you as different people in our records.  

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Sexual Murder Defence Project

Are you 18+, interested in true crime, forensic psychology or criminal court experiences?


We’d love to have your contribution to a project investigating attitudes and beliefs associated with a sexual murder defence.


Please note this survey contains sensitive and possibly upsetting information. You will be able to enter a prize draw for one of £12 Love-to-shop vouchers.

Image by Matt Popovich


Are you eligible for UK jury service (18-75-years-of-age) and have 20 minutes spare to participate in our new project? Jury service eligibility is based on electoral roll inclusion, open to anyone who has lived in the UK for 5-years or more, unless they work in some police and criminal law related occupations, or are currently in prison, on police bail or have served prison sentences of 48-months or more.


We're looking for participants (males in particular, as fewer have so far contributed) to contribute to our latest research, examining the impact of police body-worn cameras in domestic abuse cases.


Please note that to complete this survey, you will need headphones and a quiet space to concentrate.


You may be asked to read, view, or hear a recording of an account of domestic violence from the perspective of a victim. It may be distressing It also contains scenes of a sensitive nature.



The studies above should give you a rough idea as to the diverse research conducted by members of the Face and Voice Recognition Lab and our associates who may be academic staff and students (e.g., PhD Psychology, MSc Forensic Psychology, BSc Psychology) at the University of Greenwich or researchers from other UK and international universities.


We send out about 6-12 emailed invites per year to members of our volunteer pools. We have four categories of membership. Changing category preferences at any time is easy to arrange, as is permanent or temporary cessation of emails.


1. All ethically approved research conducted by Professor Josh P Davis and collaborators.

2. Face and Voice Recognition Research and Tests only.

3. Face Recognition Research and Tests only.

4. Research on topics conducted by Professor Josh P Davis, his collaborators, and students on topics that fall outside the face and voice recognition framework.  

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